Looking to change up the way you play, Action Heroes? To give yourself an edge in combat or to further challenge yourself out in the field, be sure to take a look at the modifiers in the Styles System! You can find all the modifiers available in-game in the list below!
Have more questions about the Styles System? Be sure to check out our Getting Started article here!
Bulletproof: Nothing can stop you.
Reckless: You have no armour.
Deadeye: Aim-assist disabled. Penalty for missed shots.
Dual: Learn the art of gun kata.
Bottomless: Forget about reloading.
Unobstructed: No obstacles in your path.
Threatless: Enemies don't shoot.
Scavenger: Pistol Whip to reload all ammo.
One-shot: All foes take a single bullet.
Disorder: Shuffled enemies.
Vengeance: Your bullets ricochet; an eye for an eye.
Heavies: All foes granted double armour.
Headhunter: Headshots only.
Big Head: They have big heads, okay?
Bullet Hell: So. Many. Bullets.
Pistol: Classic semi-automatic handgun.
Revolver: Six-shooter--Yeehaw.
Burstfire: Intelligent four-round burst.
Boomstick: Double-barreled with explosive rounds.
Brawler: Melee only.
Targets: Abstract targets.
No Beat: Score is determined entirely by accuracy.
Rhythmic: Score is determined entirely by timing.
Low Velocity: Enemy bullets travel slower.
Reinforced: Your armour regenerates faster and can sustain more damage.
High Velocity: Enemy bullets travel faster.
Laser Sight: Adds a laser sight to the gun. Aim-assist disabled.
Graze: Dodge bullets at the last second to gain points.
Glitch: Shoot the glitch target on select enemies, or it shoots back.
Color Match: Match the Enemies with the colour of the guns.
Deflector: Deflect bullets with melee attacks.